April 23, 2024

A work session of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon was held in the upstairs conference room on TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2024. Present were: Mayor Adams, Trustee Seibert, Trustee Cardali, Trustee Bencivenga, Trustee Miga and Village Attorney Charles J. Casolaro. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, the work session opened at 7:30 PM. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, the work session ended at 8:01 PM.





APRIL 23, 2024


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Kathy Ann Miga

Attorney Charles J. Casolaro

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees opened at 8:06 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Cardali.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2024 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and dispense with the reading of the same.

The Village Clerk read the letter from the Fire Department dated April 16th, 2024:

At the regular monthly meeting of the Fire Council held April 16th, 2024 the Fire Council took the following actions and we await your approval:

Accepted as Probationary Members:


Accepted as Full Members


Members Completed Probation


Placed on Sick Leave

Pat Riley - Hook & Ladder Company

Removed from Sick Leave

Keith Mitchell - Electric Hose Company

Accepted Resignation


Added to Chauffeurs List

Greg Jennison - Phoenix Hose Company - Engine 1-2-6

Status Change

Charles Schmidt - Electric Hose Company

From Active Member to Senior Inactive Member

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to accept the Fire Department actions as read.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to increase the Building Department fees below effective June 1, 2024.

  • Residential Building Permits: $85.00 Filing Fee plus 3% Cost of Construction
  • Commercial Building Permits: $100.00 Filing Fee plus 4% Cost of Construction
  • Demo Permit Residential: $500.00
  • Demo Permit Commercial: $1,000.00
  • Permit Renewal for Residential/Commercial: $100.00 (renewal for 6 months)
  • Plans Reviewed for Denial/ Refer to ZBA: $50.00

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED for the United Presbyterian Church to hold a National Day of Prayer service at the Gazebo on May 2nd, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to approve the following warrant for April 23, 2024:

     GENERAL ACCOUNT:               $ 86,070.24

          CONKLIN HOUSE:                      $ 490.92

TOTAL GENERAL FUND:                 $ 86,561.16

                            TOTAL:                  $ 86,561.16

On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to allow Cub Scout Pack 99 to use the Gazebo on June 10th, 2024 from 5:30-730 PM for a moving up ceremony.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to issue a refund in the amount indicated to the applicant listed below for the return of Board of Trustee sign(s). [Hearing date: 3/26/24]

           Refund              Application/Property                Owner Property Location

           $100.00            Roman Development, LLC        32-36 Deer Park Avenue

      On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED, in accordance with the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule LGS-1, to dispose of the items on the attached listing from the Treasurer’s Office.

      Trustee Cardali read the following and polled the Board:

      WHEREAS a budget hearing was held on Monday, April 1, 2024 to consider the adoption of the proposed budget for the 2024/25 fiscal year,

      BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED to adopt the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024-25. 

                                                                                        Yes:            No:

                                    Mayor Adams                         __X__          ____

                                 Trustee Seibert                         __X__          ____

                          Trustee Bencivenga                       __X__           ____

                                  Trustee Cardali                       __X__           ____

                                      Trustee Miga                      __X__            ____

      On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to grant permission to the Friends of the Babylon Public Library to maintain temporary signs (18” x 24”) from May 25th to June 1st, 2024 to advertise the “Friends Book Sale @ Babylon Public Library”. Signs are to be placed at the following locations:

      • Montauk Highway and Route 231
      • Entrance to Argyle Lake
      • Route 109 & Park Ave.
      • Deer Park Ave. and Park Ave.
      • Carll Ave. by Fire Department
      • Park Avenue and North Carll Ave.
      • Park Ave and Deer Park Ave.
      • N. Carll and Park Ave,
      • Locust Ave. and Ralph Ave.
      • Fire Island Ave. and Reid Ave.
      • Deer Park Ave. and Mason Ave.
      • Reid Ave. and Fire Island Ave.

      Trustee Cardali read the following and polled the Board:

      RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon is the Lead Agency regarding proposed Local Law 0423PH of 2024, to amend Village Code Chapter §290-18- Fees.

      WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024,

      BE IT HEREBY ENACTED that the following Local Law, proposed to amend Village Code Chapter §290-18- Fees is


      Local Law # ___5____ of 2024, amending Village Code Chapter §290-18- Fees.

                                                                   In Favor:          Opposed:

                            Mayor Adams             ___X___            _______   

                         Trustee Seibert             ___X___            _______

                 Trustee Bencivenga            ___X___           _______

                         Trustee Cardali            ___X___            _______

                              Trustee Miga           ___X___             _______

      ** This Local Law is effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. **

      On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to hold a Community Bike Parade on Saturday May 18th at 10 AM, traveling from Babylon Public Library to Gilbert C. Hanse Pool.

      On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to grant permission to the Long Island Youth Club to fundraise in the Village Saturday, April 27th, 2024 from 11:00 AM to sundown.

      The following announcements were made: 

           Trustee Seibert: 

      • High Tea, this Sunday, $35pp at the Conklin House.  
      • George Street Playground, new playground equipment being installed.  
      • Final week to submit employment applications for Summer Recreational program.  

           Trustee Bencivenga:

      • Golf course up and running; leagues are starting this week.  
      • Boat slips are filling up.  

           Trustee Cardali:

      • First day to get pool pass or sign up for swim lessons is May 11th at 9AM.
      • Car Show at Village Pool parking lot – Sunday, June 9th at 9:00 AM
      • Shred Day went well, we had 130 cars come. Next STOP/Shred Day will be in September.

           Trustee Miga thanked Babylon Public library for use of parking lot for Community Bike Parade. Babylon Bike will be doing bike safety inspections.

        The meeting was opened to the public and the following person addressed the board.

        Mike Golub, 1 Stuart Ave.

        On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:21 PM.


        Village Clerk

        ** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office

        :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes