Village Boards
Board of Trustees
The Village Board of Trustees is made up of five elected officials and meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:00 PM in Village Hall.
Mary E. Adams, Mayor
Frank J. Seibert, Deputy Mayor
Dominic P. Bencivenga, Trustee
Anthony M. Cardali, Trustee
Planning Board
The Planning Board meets the last Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in Village Hall. This Board is authorized and empowered to conduct site plan reviews which examine the intended layout, arrangement and design of the development of any parcel of land. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the Planning Board to approve subdivision plans and roads.
James Slack, Chairperson
Jimmy Kanzler, Member
Judy Skillen, Member
Richard Tesoro, Member
Robert Waters, Member
Bruce Zappia, Member
Jeanette Yantz, Secretary
Kelly Daniele, Attorney
Architectural Review Board
The Architectural Review Board meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in Village Hall. The ARB is a five member board charged with conserving and enhancing the appearance of the Village. It allows for architectural review of all structures erected, reconstructed, altered or remodeled in the Res – O , Res-M , Marine commercial, Retail Business and Industrial Zones within the Village. This includes the issuance of sign permits within each of those districts.
Susan Harris, Chairperson
Caitlin Alfano, Member
Mary Lou Bartsch, Member
Theresa Bunger, Member
Lynn Dunlop, Member
Meredith McCaslin, Member
Jeanette Yantz, Secretary
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM in Village Hall. The ZBA is a five member board which has the authority to issue variances where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. The ZBA has the power to modify the application of specific zoning regulations as detailed in the Code of the Village of Babylon.
Bruce Humenik, Chairperson
Karl Anderson, Member
John Farrell, Member
Nancy Iglesias-Gillen, Member
Jeffrey Weber, Member
John O’Farrell, Alternate
Maureen Rigelhaupt, Secretary
David Roth, Attorney