Clerk’s Office
The Village Clerk is responsible for maintaining custody of the Village seal, books, records and papers. The Clerk is the official clerk of the Board of Trustees, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals and is responsible for preparing agendas and maintaining an indexed compilation of minutes from the three Boards. The Clerk’s Office also maintains a record of all local laws. The Office of the Village Clerk is the primary point of contact when telephoning or when coming into Village Hall.
Receiver of Taxes
The annual Village taxes are due in full by July 1st without penalty. According to Real Property Tax Law section 922, payment of taxes on a timely basis is the responsibility of the property owner even if a tax bill has not been received! The property owner will be liable for all penalties and interest on late payments. Kindly send the stub portion of the bill with your payment. Post-dated checks will not be accepted.
Highway & Sanitation
Highway and Sanitation offers many services to Village residents including sanitation, recycling, street lighting, and maintenance of our streets and highways. If you wish to report a pothole or a street light out, please call 631-669-4878. Please inform us of the exact address, if possible, or a location description. Monday-Friday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM, (631) 669-4878.
Announcements - Highway & Sanitation
In response to an ongoing issue we have been experiencing throughout the Village, we would like to remind our residents that no rubbish, recycling or any other material to be picked up by the sanitation department should be placed at the curb prior to 6:00 pm the night before your scheduled collection day. We will be issuing warnings in such cases, and if the problem is not resolved within 24 hours, summonses may be issued. This is an effort to preserve the wonderful quality of life we have in Babylon Village. If you have any questions about your rubbish/recycling day and when they are scheduled, please call the Highway/Sanitation office at the above number. Thank you!
Video Blog Highway & Sanitation
Let's Talk Trash - Episode 1
What Goes In The Blue Recycling Bins
Here is a tip on recycling in the Village of Babylon from Head of Sanitation Jay Brunjes. Aluminum cans, plastics and glass - rinsed out please - are the only items that should be placed in your blue recycling bin. Please put plastic wrappers in with Rubbish as they gum up the recycling machines. Village residents may pick up a blue recycling bin from the Sanitation Department by calling 631-669-4878.

Building Department
Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings
Building permits are managed by the Babylon Village Building Department.
Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM. Tel. (631) 669-1300
The Building Department manages and approves all construction and alteration of commercial and residential buildings within the Village boundaries. It ensures that all construction projects meet New York State Building and Fire Codes, and Village of Babylon Zoning Codes and conducts fire inspections of all commercial buildings.
Any property owner in Babylon Village can call the Building Department for an informal inspection. An inspector will go to the property and perform an inspection to bring any existing or potential violations to the owner's attention. The property owner will be contacted by mail with a list of all violations found and will be given ample time to correct all of the violations with no summonses issued.
All property owners in the Village are asked to be aware of the outward condition of their property. A property that is not maintained affects the community as whole.

Procedures For Opening A Business In The Village Of Babylon
The Village of Babylon is eager to welcome new businesses to the community. Below you will find information pertaining to the Village’s Development process which includes the simple steps to starting your business in Babylon. Business owners interested in opening a business in Babylon are encouraged to first contact the Village to discuss business concepts, the proposed project and overall process. Depending on your needs, the following scenarios will help you determine how to get started.
All new businesses must make an application to the Planning Board to review your business plans before opening. An application for Planning Board can be found on the Village website, under “Permits & Applications.” Documents to be submitted with the application include the following:
- A current survey
- Interior floor plans with square footage
- Where necessary, the location, size and number of off-street parking spaces
- The location of dumpster/grease traps if utilized
- Hours of Operation
- Number of Employees
- Number of Patients/Clients per hour
- For Restaurants/Cafes: Number of seats at bar, Number of seats at tables
See Chapter 365-32 of the Babylon Village Code ( for more information on Site Plan requirements.
In some instances, a business may be an allowed use in a particular zoning district but requires a special use permit. Applicants would then be referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Learn more about the Village’s Zoning requirements in Chapter 365 – Zoning Code
Learn more about the Village’s Sign Code in Chapter 290 – Signs
Village Justice
To All Our Village of Babylon Residents and Guests: The metrics have indicated an opportunity to increase In-person proceedings in our Courtroom. Occupancy is limited in the Courtroom, and will be controlled based on social distancing restrictions. Individuals with tickets should check in with Court personnel who will advise you of Court procedures. Courtroom capacity will determine if individuals have to safely wait outside the Court facility, and only enter the Building when their case is ready to be heard. While in the Court facility, all individuals must cover their nose and mouth with a mask or face covering. A minimum distance of six feet must be kept between all individuals at all times. If there are any questions, the Court Office number is 631-669-1771.
Village Code
Welcome to the Village of Babylon and all it has to offer our residents from a quaint Village way of life and direct access to local officials to an abundance of recreational opportunities for residents of all ages in our parks, at the village pool and our 9-hole golf course. The quality of life we enjoy here in Babylon Village finds its foundation in our Village Code. In an emergency, please always call 911. For all other relevant "Quality of Life" issues, such as a car parked blocking your driveway or a fire hydrant; barking dogs, etc. please call Code Enforcement at 631-894-2949. If you receive a voice recording, please leave a message and you will be contacted ASAP.