Budget Hearing 2022-23







Mayor Mary E. Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Village Attorney Matthew McDonough

Village Treasurer Andrew Reichel


Trustee Robyn Silvestri

The meeting opened at 7:06 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Cardali.

The Village Clerk read the legal notice:

PLEASE BE ADVISED the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 4, 2022, at 7:00 PM in the Municipal Building, 153 West Main Street, Babylon, New York, to hear comments relating to the tentative budget for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Immediately following the Budget Hearing, the Annual Organizational Meeting will be held.

The tentative budget will be available on our website, www.villageofbabylonny.gov, and in the Office of the Village Clerk as of Tuesday, March 22, 2022, where it may be inspected during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The compensation proposed in said budget is $15,000 per year for the Mayor and $7,500 per year for each Trustee.

Chapters 305 & 306 of our Village Code outline requirements and procedures pertaining to Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control as required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The MS4 Annual Report for the period ending March 2021 is available on our website and in the Office of the Village Clerk. Residents are encouraged to review these documents.

Mayor Adams thanked the Treasurer for all he does every day at the Village and for all the time and effort put into preparing the budget. The Mayor thanked the Budget Committee for the great job and for being open to explore different areas when putting together this budget.

Treasurer Andrew Reichel explained the budget preparation process. The Treasurer and Mayor reviewed the budgets submitted by each of the department heads. The treasurer calculated the tax cap amount in order to determine the level of tax increase that would enable the Village to stay within the tax cap.

The Treasurer met several times with the Budget Advisory Committee, comprised of Andrew Reichel (Village Treasurer), Jeff Weber (Deputy Treasurer), Trustee Dominic Bencivenga, Gene Cuneo, Mike Golub, Jen Montiglio, Doug Southerland and Scott Flaugher. Andrew thanked the Budget Committee for their help and for suggestions of where to tighten expenditures and possible areas for revenue increases.

The final proposed budget was presented to the Village Clerk’s Office on March 18, 2022 and posted on the Village website. Anyone with questions on the proposed budget can contact the Treasurer’s office or email babylonbudget@villageofbabylonny.gov .

The proposed budget for 2022/23 is $11,508,930, which is an increase of $466,781 from 2021/22. The proposed tax rate is 15.71 percent (current tax rate is 15.65 percent.). The 2022/23 proposed budget is within the tax cap with a 0.38 percent tax rate increase. This equates to an increase of 0.06 cents per 100 of assessed value:

For an assessed value of: the increase would be:

5,000             $ 3.00

10,000          $ 6.00

15,000          $ 9.00

The Board thanked the Treasurer for all his work on the budget and for explaining it.

The meeting was opened to the public; the following resident addressed the Board:

Adam Knoth, 75 Cedar Lane, Babylon, NY 11702

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to reserve decision.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM.

:. View All Board of Trustees Minutes