February 11, 2025

A work session of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon was held in the upstairs conference room on TUESDAY, February 4, 2025. Present: Mayor Adams, Trustee Seibert, Trustee Bencivenga, Trustee Cardali, Trustee Goodwin and Attorney Casolaro. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, the work session opened at 6:00 PM. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, the work session ended at 6:51 PM.

A work session of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon was held in the upstairs conference room on TUESDAY, February 11, 2025. Present: Mayor Adams, Trustee Seibert, Trustee Bencivenga, Trustee Cardali, Trustee Goodwin and Attorney Casolaro. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, the work session opened at 7:01 PM. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, the work session ended at 7:59 PM.





February 11, 2025


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Trustee Sean Goodwin

Attorney Charles J. Casolaro

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees opened at 8:06 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Seibert.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the January 28, 2025 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and dispense with the reading of the same.

The Village Clerk read the letter from the Fire Department dated February 11th, 2025:

At the regular monthly meeting of the Fire Council held January 21st, 2025, the Fire Council took the following actions and we await your approval:

    Accepted as Probationary Members


    Members Completed Probation

    Aiden Dunn                            -               Fire Patrol Company

    Placed on Sick Leave

    Tony Schultz                          -              Phoenix Hose Company

    Robert Fitzgerald                 -              Argyle Hose Company None

    Removed from Sick Leave

    Tony Schultz                        -               Phoenix Hose Company

    Added to the Chauffeurs list

    Charles Gardner               -                Ambulances 1-2-10 & 1-2-15

    Sean McLaughlin             -                Ambulances 1-2-10 & 1-2-15

    Accepted Resignation


    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to accept the Fire Department actions as read.

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to issue refunds in the amounts indicated to the applicants listed below for the return of ZBA signs. [Hearing Date 1/15/2025]

         Refund         Application/Property                               Owner Property Location

         $100.00       Webster Bank                                            180 West Main Street

         $ 50.00       Donald & Roberta Carlock                       47 Strong Avenue

         $ 50.00       Shauna Margolis                                            39 Strong Avenue

         $ 50.00      Jennifer Gromus/F&G Realty Group           24 Robert Street

        $ 50.00       Michael & Laura McPeck                              162 Woodsome Road

        $ 50.00      Donald J. Middleton, Jr./Pippenall, LLC     50 Park Avenue

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED grant permission to Babylon Jr.-Sr. High School to use the Park Avenue tennis courts (north and south side) from March 17th through June 13th, 2025, between 2:30 PM and 6:30 PM, for the Varsity, Junior Varsity and Junior High Boys Tennis teams. This permission is granted contingent upon timely receipt of the required certificates of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured and a notarized hold harmless agreement.

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to issue a partial refund in the amount of $50.00 to Babylon Crew LLC, for the return of one (1) BOT sign for the property located at 96 East Main Street. [14-2-12]

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to hold the 2025 Summer Concert series at the Village Gazebo Friday nights starting June 27th to August 29th at 8pm except for July 4th (no concert).

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to appoint Stephen Loudon to the Zoning Board of Appeals, finishing out Nancy Iglesias-Gillen’s term (4/26) effective February 11, 2025.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to make the following budget transfers to the 2024/25 budget as attached.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to grant permission to Babylon Jr.-Sr. High School to use the softball field on the north side of Locust Avenue between 3:00 PM and 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday, beginning March 24, 2025 and ending June 6, 2025, for the Junior High Softball team practices. This permission is granted contingent upon timely receipt of the required certificate of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured, as well as a signed & notarized hold harmless agreement.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to increase the annual salary of Ronnie Carpenter by $1,000 effective January 29, 2025, having completed his six-month probationary period.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to grant Permission to the Babylon Beautification Society to hold a Christmas Market around the Gazebo and Bayman Statue on Saturday, December 13th, 2025, from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM, (rain date of Sunday, December 14th 2025), and permission to sell mulled (spiced) wine and hot spiced cider during this event. This permission is granted only for the 2025 Christmas Market and is contingent upon timely receipt of the required certificate of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured and a signed & notarized hold harmless agreement.

    On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to make the following budget amendments to the 2024-2025 budget as attached.

    On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED that the exemptions listed below were approved for the 2025 Tentative Assessment Roll.

    Exemption Type

    A/V 2025 Tentative Roll

    Clergy - Residence




    Residential Capital


    Senior Citizen


    Eligible Fund Veteran


    Total Alternative Veteran


    (Alt. Veteran Non-Combat) 25,143

    (Alt. Veteran Combat) 42,978

    On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to approve the following warrant for February 11, 2025.

               GENERAL ACCOUNT:      $ 329,021.85

           TOTAL GENERAL FUND:      $ 329,021.85

                         CAPITAL FUND:      $   37,975.00

                                        TOTAL:  $ 366,996.85

      On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to accept the DRAFT Audited Financial Statements for the Village of Babylon for The Fiscal Year ended May 31, 2024, as attached.

      On the motion of Trustee Goodwin, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to grant permission to Babylon Jr.-Sr. High School to use the Locust Avenue south field [including use of the lights, press box, and concession stand] on Thursday, May 8th, 2025 at 5:30 PM to host the 14th Annual Peter Figoski Memorial Softball Game. This permission is granted contingent upon timely receipt of the required certificate of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured, as well as a signed & notarized hold harmless agreement.

      On the motion of Trustee Goodwin, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to accept the resignation of Richard Roberts effective February 7, 2025.

      On the motion of Trustee Goodwin, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to grant permission to the Babylon Beautification Society to hold the 2025 Annual Fair on Sunday September 7th, 2025 (rain date September 14th, 2025), including permission to sell beverages (beer, wine, water) on the north side of Argyle Lake. This permission is granted only for the 2025 Annual Fair and is contingent upon timely receipt of the required certificates of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured and a signed & notarized hold harmless agreement.

      On the motion of Trustee Goodwin, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to grant permission to the Babylon Beautification Society the use of the Village Garage for Lamppost decorating prep on Saturday, November, 29th, 2025, from 7:30 AM – 11:00 AM.

      On the motion of Trustee Goodwin, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to appoint Alfonso Ruggeri to the Zoning Board of Appeals as an alternate effective February 11, 2025.

      The following announcements were made:

      • Trustee Seibert stated the Lewis Circle playground will be ready for Spring and working on replacing the playground equipment for Stowe Avenue. We are also working on the Summer Concert schedule at the Gazebo; more information to follow. Summer employment applications for the Summer Recreation programs will be available February 18th.
      • Trustee Bencivenga stated we are preparing for golf season and the course will open Sunday, March 23rd. Applications for boat slip renewals will be mailed mid-February.
      • Trustee Cardali announced the Village pool will open on Friday, June 27th at noon. Summer employment for the pool will begin. Registration for swim lessons will be:
        • Saturday, May 10th, 17th and 31st – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, at Village Hall
        • Saturday. June 7th – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, at the Village Pool
      • Trustee Goodwin announced the following free lecture at the Babylon Village Historical Society Museum:
        • Sunday, February 23rd - Maritime Smuggling on Long Island
        • Friday, March 21st- trip to the Long Island Psychiatric State Museum
        • Sunday, April 27th – “My Betsey”: The Remarkable Wife of Alexender Hamilton
      • Conklin House still has tickets available for “Dinner for Eight” on Saturday, April 5th and High Tea on Sunday, May 4th. House Tours will on the third Saturday of each month from 12:00 – 1:00 pm, beginning this month.
      • Mayor Adams stated that Monday, February 17th – Village offices will be closed and no trash pickup in observance of President’s Day.

      The meeting was opened to the public and the no one addressed the Board.

      On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Goodwin and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.


      Village Clerk

      ** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office.

      :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes