September 27, 2022

A work session was held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2022. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the meeting opened at 6:45 PM. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, the work session was adjourned at 7:00 PM to be resumed after the Special Public Hearing. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the Board immediately entered into executive session at 7:23 PM to discuss current litigation and human resource issues. On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the executive session ended at 8:00 PM.





SEPTEMBER 27, 2022


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Trustee Kathy Ann Miga

Attorney Matthew McDonough

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees opened at 8:05 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Seibert.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2022 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and dispense with the reading of the same.

The Village Clerk read the letter from the Fire Department dated September 20, 2022:

At the regular monthly meeting of the Fire Council held September 20, 2022 the Fire Council took the following actions and we await your approval:

  Accepted as Probationary Member:

          Ronald Hartman – Hook & Ladder Company

  Removed from Sick Leave with Medical Clearance:

          Theodore Lutz – Hook & Ladder Company

   Added to Drivers List:

          1-2-6 Vincent Weiss Phoenix Hose

          1-2-7 Adam Ahlers Fire Patrol

          1-2-7 Benjamin Preston Fire Patrol

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to accept the Fire Department actions as read.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to grant permission to the Babylon Lions Club to maintain temporary signs at various merchants in the Village from October 13 through November 3, 2022 to advertise the Beer, Wine & Food Expo at the Piermont on November 3, 2022,


ALSO RESOLVED to grant permission to the Babylon Lions Club to display 5 large temporary signs that the Village will place around the Village to advertise the Beer, Wine & Food Expo.

On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to grant permission to the Babylon Lions Club to use the Main Dock and Lewis Pond Parking lots from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM on November 3, 2022, for overflow customer parking from their annual Beer, Wine and Food Expo to be held at the Piermont. This permission is granted contingent upon timely receipt of required certificates of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured and a notarized hold harmless agreement.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to approve the following warrant for September 27, 2022:

                      General Account:               $ 296,082.28

                     Conklin House:                            $ 841.53 

                      TOTAL GENERAL FUND:   $ 296,923.81

                      Trust Fund:                                 $ 3,036.51

                       TOTAL:                                   $ 299,960.32

    On the motion of Trustee Cardali seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to remove the Veterans Exemptions on the parcels listed below from the 2021 and 2022 Rolls as indicated, as per the attached assessor petitions,


    ALSO RESOLVED to bill the new owners the Exempt Property Restoration for the Tax Year(s) indicated.



      Prior Owner

      New Owner

      Exemption /



      Tax Yr./Bill


      3 Deeringwood Lane

      Koehler,                  J. P. & P. A.

      3 Deeringwood  Lane LLC

      Alt. Vet. Combat

      ’22- A/V 528

      2022– $ 79.12

      Total: $ 79.12


      3 Belton Ct.

      Reilly, M. &

      Halsch, E.

       Hallahan, Julie

       Barnett, David

      Alt. Vet NC:

      ‘21- A/V 317

      ’22- A/V 335

      2021 - $ 7.14

      2022 - $ 49.80

      Total: $ 56.94

      On the motion of Trustee Cardali seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED in accordance with the Records Retention & Disposition Schedule LGS-1, to dispose of the items on the attached list from the Treasurer’s Office.

      Box # Description

      696        3/2012 – 5/2015 Golf Daily Sheets

      697        6/2011 – 5/2014 Meter Tickets

      6062      2014/15 and 2015/16 Misc. Filings and Collateral

      6070      2015/16 Golf Receipts, 2012-2014 Pool Receipts, 2012-2014 Misc.

      6073      2016/17 Bank Rec 2016/17 Golf

      6075      Journal Entries 6/2014 – 11/2014

      6083      Bank Rec Statements Court Reports 2013/14

      6084      Journal Entries 1/2014 – 5/2014 Daily Attend Clerk Receipts

      6085      Journal Entries Audit Files 2015/16

      6086      Deposit Slips Court Reports Daily Atten. Clerk Receipts 2015/16

      6099      Journal Entries 10/2012 – 5/2013 Gen Journal Reports

      6108      Journal Entries 6/2012 – 9/2012 Bank Recs

      6143      Covid Questionnaires #1

      6144      Covid Questionnaires #2

      Unnumbered 2014/15 Bank Dep Slips Clerk Daily Tax Receipts

      On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to grant a license to the following applicant(s) to drive a taxi cab for Lindy’s Taxi in the Village of Babylon:

           John Olsen

      The Mayor made the following announcement:

      Village of Babylon offices will be closed and there will be no rubbish or garbage pick-up on Monday, October 10, 2022 in observance of the Columbus Day holiday. Just a reminder that residents should not put rubbish or recycling out to the curb on holidays.

      The Mayor also gave the following updates:

      • The two new dog parks on Park Avenue have been completed. The George Street dog park is now closed and the Locust Avenue dog park will be closed in the near future.
      • The project on Lucinda Drive has been cleaned up.
      • Paving is about to begin on Greenway South, Greenway Terrace, Kensington Road, and Regent Street.
      • We will be focusing on infrastructure improvements going forward.
      • The culvert on Locust Avenue has been completed.
      • The parking lots are being lined.
      • The George Street lot will be paved soon.
      • The new employee parking lot at the end of Fire Island Avenue is completed.

      The meeting was opened to the public; the following resident addressed the Board:

                Joseph Hubbard, 619 Deer Park Avenue

      On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM.


      Village Clerk

      ** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office

      :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes