Work Session September 5, 2023






Mayor Mary Adams

Deputy Mayor Frank Seibert

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee KathyAnn Miga


Trustee Anthony Cardali

On the motion of Trustee Bemcivenga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, the meeting opened at 6:03 PM.

1. RESOLVED to grant permission to Rev. E. Claire Nesmith, of Christ Episcopal Church to maintain temporary signs (8 12” x 11”) at various merchants in the Village from September 1st through October 1st 2023 to advertise “Blessing of the Animals”.

2. RESOLVED to grant permission to Rev. E. Claire Nesmith, of Christ Episcopal Church to maintain temporary signs (8 12” x 11”) at various merchants in the Village from September 1st through October 7th 2023 to advertise “Bike & Brunch” Fundraiser.

3. RESOLVED to hold a public hearing on September 12, 2023 at 7PM, to consider the application of Roman Development, LLC to open a retail fish and seafood market with a restaurant component at 32-36 Deer Park Avenue, the former location of Beehave and Guru’s.

4. RESOLVED to declare to the property known as 619 Deer Park Avenue, Village of Babylon, a blighted property with an existing dangerous condition, and authorize the Building Department to retain an outside rubbish collection service and/or the authorization to direct village personnel to enter the property known as 619 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, New York to remediate said property’s condition and direct the Village Clerk to levy the cost against the property’s village taxes.

WHEREAS, pursuant to New York State Village Law and the Code of the Village of Babylon, the Village is empowered to declare a property blighted presenting dangerous and unhealthy conditions that affect the property owners and the surrounding neighbors, and to remediate and remove the blighted and dangerous conditions; and

    WHEREAS, the property known as 619 Deer Park Avenue, in the Village of Babylon, is overrun with rubbish and other items that have blighted the property and have caused to exist dangerous and unhealthy conditions; and,

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by this Resolution, the Board of Trustees authorizes the Building Department to retain an outside rubbish collection service and/or the authorization to direct village personnel to enter the property known as 619 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, New York to remediate said property’s condition and direct the Village Clerk to levy the cost against the property’s village taxes.

    WHEREFOR, this RESOLUTION, hereby adopted by vote of the Board of Trustees on September 5, 2023, shall be promptly recorded in the Office of the Village Clerk, and made part of the public record.

    Motion to Adopt made by Deputy Mayor Seibert; seconded by Trustee Bencivenga.

    Roll Call Vote:                           YES                       NO

    Mayor Adams                            X

    Trustee Seibert                        X

    Trustee Bencivenga               X

    Trustee Cardali                       ABSENT

    Trustee Miga                          X

    5. RESOLVED to grant authorization for the Village Attorney to commence litigation against the owners of the property known as 16 Lucinda Drive, in the Village of Babylon, New York. [018-01-018]

      WHEREAS, pursuant to the New York State Village Law and the Code of the Village of Babylon, the Village is empowered to declare a property blighted presenting dangerous and unhealthy conditions that affects the property owners and the surrounding neighbors, and to act to remediate and remove the blighted and dangerous conditions; and

      WHEREAS, the property known as 16 Lucinda Drive, in the Village of Babylon, has been left in an uncompleted state of construction to such an extent that the property is now blighted and there exist dangerous and unhealthy conditions, which threaten the peace and tranquility of the surrounding residents and present unsightly exposure to disregard and disrepair, and

      WHEREAS, after many attempts to resolve this matter for the benefit of all, the property remains blighted with dangerous conditions, and the Village must act to protect it residents and the immediately surrounding neighbors; and

      NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by this Resolution, the Board of Trustees authorizes the Villag Attorney to commence litigation against the owners of the property known as 16 Lucinda Drive, Village of Baylon to compel compliance with the Village building codes, and to compel the completion of construction, necessary to remove the blight from the property.

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Attorney shall be paid at the litigation compensation rate of $225.00 per hour in accordance with the duly executed retainer agreement between the Village Attorney and the Village of Babylon.

      WHEREFOR, this RESOLUTION, hereby adopted by vote of the Board of Trustees on September 5, 2023, shall be promptly recorded in the Office of the Village Clerk, and made part of the public record.

      Motion to Adopt made by Trustee Bencivenga; seconded by Trustee Miga.

      Roll Call Vote:                       YES                   NO

      Mayor Adams                          X

      Trustee Seibert                      X

      Trustee Bencivenga             X

      Trustee Cardali                      ABSENT

      Trustee Miga                         X

      6. RESOLVED to grant authorization permitting the Village Treasurer to reimburse the mayor for out-of-pocket expenses related to official Village business.

      WHEREAS, pursuant to New York State Village Law §5-524(7), the actual and necessary expenses of all officers and employees incurred in the performance of their official duties are Village charges.

      WHEREAS, the Mayor, as Chief Executive of the Village of Babylon, has incurred out-of-pocket expenses in the furtherance of Village functions in the sum of $1,286.69.

      NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by this Resolution, the Board of Trustees authorizes the Treasurer to reimburse to the mayor the sum of $1,286.69, as those expenses were incurred in furtherance and on the behalf of official Village functions.

      WHEREFOR, this RESOLUTION, hereby adopted by vote of the Board of Trustees on September 5, 2023, shall be promptly recorded in the Office of the Village Clerk and made part of the public record.

        Motion to Adopt made by Trustee Bencivenga; seconded by Trustee Miga.

        Roll Call Vote:                           YES                         NO

        Mayor Adams                              X

        Trustee Seibert                          X

        Trustee Bencivenga                  X

        Trustee Cardali                          ABSENT

        Trustee Miga                             X

        On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the work session ended at 7: 17 PM.

        :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes