The Federal Room
The Federal Room is furnished to suggest the way the "parlor" might have looked soon after Nathaniel Conklin and his family moved into their new home in 1803.
Recognizing that Conklin was an entrepreneur with a tanning mill on Main Street, the room is suited to a south shore family of some means in the early 19th century.
When the house was moved from Main Street, the chimneys were left behind. The new chimneys had no fireplaces. Coal and wood burning stoves were installed instead. The fireplace in this room is a reconstruction in the Federal style, considered most elegant in 1803.
The story of the historic chimney stone is in the open book by the cabinet that contains the stone. Carved in the chimney stone is the first use of "Babylon" as a place name on Long Island and, in all likelihood, only the second in the history of the planet.