The Master BedRoom
As in today’s house, the Master Bedroom was the largest and most elegant of the bedrooms. Then as now, it was the room of the master and mistress of the house.
But in the 19th century, this was typically a more functional room than today. An infant’s bed would always be here in the parents’ room. The master bedroom was also the sewing room. The sewing machine and sewing supplies were here and often, a dress form.
Depending upon the housewife’s skill and the family’s affluence, either she or a seamstress sewed clothes for the family. Occasionally, for a special occasion, a dress would be purchased from New York.
Instead of closets, clothes were hung in free-standing armoires, still handy in older houses with few closets.
Today a section of the North wall has been preserved to show the original construction of the house.